solenoid size maximum ambient °C (3)
Actual temperature range can be limited depending on valve operation limits.
OPTIONS ? Non-po
core tube and plugnut Stainless steel Shading coil Not applicable (1)(2) Nameplate Stainless steel Fasteners & screws
Stainless steel Coil connection Screw terminals Safety code q II 2 G Ex d IIC T6..T3 II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T85°C-T200°C
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Standard voltages DC (=) : 24V - 48V - 240V (Other voltages and 60 Hz on request) AC (~) :
24V - 48V - 115V - 230V / 50 Hz TEMPERATURE CLASSIFICATION TABLES AC (~) Solenoids DC (=) Solenoids
A 35,1 W DC, HC coil is available for battery voltages. Range +12% to -28% of nominal voltage (only available on NB construction)
M25 (NA) M25 (NB)
surface temperature
CONNECTIONS ? Any ATEX approved dia. 9-12 mm cable entry device can be ? tted in the M20 x 1,5: use pre? x NAET or NBET;
refer to the nameplate for maximum cable temperature (optionally 1/2 NPT / ? 8,5-16 mm, use pre? x NAT or NBT).
Internal and external earthing connection ? The operator can be rotated 360° at 90°
increments to select the most favourable position for cable entry
solenoid size maximum ambient °C (3)
Actual temperature range can be limited depending on valve operation limits.
OPTIONS ? Non-polarised voltage surge suppressor for DC constructions
T3 200°C Insulation class F (155°C) 100% E.D. Insulation class F (155°C) 100% E.D. 14,2 (1)
60 80 10,0 (1) ? 60 80 14,2 (1) ? 50 80 10,0 ? 40 50 80 17,05(2) ? 40 80 21,4 (2) ? 40 80 17,05(2)
40 70 80 21,4 ? 60 80 35,1 ? 50 35,1 ? 50 Check the wattage compabitility with the product selected. (1) AC (~)
Full wave recti? ed coil onstruction (2) AC (~) Back wave recti? ed coil construction
(3) The minimum allowable ambient temperature is -40°C for the operator.
FEATURES ? Explosionproof operator for use in potentially explosive atmospheres according to
ATEX-Directive 94/9/EC EC type-examination certi? cate no.: BAS 02 ATEX 2157
Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements of the
ATEX Directive has been assured by compliance with European Standards EN 60079-0, EN 60079-1,
solenoid size maximum ambient °C (3)
M25 (NA) M25 (NB)
用于潜在环境,隔爆外壳,II 2 G/D EEex d IIC T6
‥T3 IP66,不锈钢或压铸合金外壳
for potentially explosive atmospheres ? ameproof enclosure II 2 G Ex d IIC T6 .. T3,
II 2D Ex tD A21 IP66 stainless steel or cast iron enclosure
Series NA NB
EN 61241-0 and EN 61241-1 ? Easy electrical installation by means of a screw terminal coil
Enclosure provided with a M20 x 1,5 (optionally 1/2 NPT) threaded entry hole for a broad range of cable entries
surface temperature
Ingress protection degree IP66 ? A wide range of valves can be supplied with the operator
CONSTRUCTION Solenoid enclosure NA Stainless steel (AISI 316L) NB Cast iron, epoxy coated Core,
A welded plugnut construction is available as an alternative to the standard closed tube construction (contact factory for details)